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Digital Advertising Opportunities

"A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops his clock to save time." ~Henry Ford

No matter who your customer is, there is a very good chance they access the internet. In 2019, 4.3 billion people around the world went online, up 9% from the year before, and 3.4 billion of those people use social media actively.

Are all 4 billion of those people your target market? No, but the numbers demonstrate that regardless of who the desired target audience is, they are on their devices, consuming digital media—and therefore digital advertising.

The tremendous reach of digital advertising stands in contrast to more traditional methods. An advertiser can only afford to print and send so many postcards.

One of the biggest advantages of digital is its ability to scale as broadly or precisely as necessary within an almost limitless pool of prospects. This makes digital advertising very cost-effective as well when considering return on investment. Reaching a wide but targeted audience immediately brings your cost per impression far lower than any traditional advertising tactic.

Williams Media Group can build a customized digital campaign for you based upon your budget.

Our services include:

  • Display Advertising

  • Video Advertising

  • Geo - Fencing

  • Video Geo - Fencing

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